Friday, April 06, 2007

A "Sweet Sixteen" Trip to Fresno

Canada to Cali (via WA & OR)
with Papa, Uncle Bryce, Auntie Shannon, Daddy, Mommy & me!
I slept all night while we drove & woke up in SUNNY CALIFORNIA!
Are we there yet???

Time to stretch our legs and get some eats.
It sure is warm and sunny in California.

Papa & Uncle Brycers

Snuggled in to Papa...I love my Papa!

We're HERE! Some pool time with Aunt Shannon & Mommy.
The water was COLD, but the sun was warm!

And of course, the reason for the trip...
The NC State game vs. UConn.

Daddy & me.

Aunt Shannon & Uncle Bryce.

The NC State gals.

Mommy & me.

Sad & tired me...the girls didn't win.

Playing on the hotel bed the next morning.
Soon to head north.

Our family at Lake Shasta rest area on the way home.

I walked holding daddy's hand and tuckered myself out.
3 hour nap...Mommy says I'm a good traveler!

Back in OR, cousins Demitri & Amelia hung with Mimi.
We got to hang there a bit too on the way back.

What a trip! 36 hours of driving for 18 hours in Cali.
It was worth it!
Thanks Papa, Uncle Brycers, Auntie Shannon for coming with us.
Thanks Mimi for staying with my cousins.
Love you NC State played GREAT!
Hope to see you all again very soon!
Love, Mackenzie Lee <><

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