Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Four Day Weekend in the Valley

Sweet Time with Mimi & Papa!
This is us in Monroe taking a break...
...LET'S GO DADDY! I can't wait to see Mimi & Papa!

So when we got to Mimi & Papa's house...
first stop...the living room with Mimi.
second stop...Papa's 'dead animal room'!
I wasn't too sure about it at first...

First we met the mountain goat.

Next we met the bull elk.

And then, the cougar, or 'large kitty'...however you want to look at it.

Then there was the box of coyote skins...very soft indeed.

And of course...BASKETBALLS!!!

The next morning Mommy & Papa & Mimi and I were all up nice and early.
Papa showed me birds and wildlife out the big window and on the pond.

Mimi & Mommy took me for a long, long walk.

When we got home, more sight seeing for me.

Hey, come here everyone...look at all the things I see!

Then we went down to the clubhouse to hang out with Mimi & Papa some more.

And of course I helped Mimi with some bookkeeping!

When I took a nap, Mommy & Daddy had a golf date...they got in about 6 holes.
They got to use Mimi & Papa's snazzy new red cart!

When I woke up from my nap, Papa took me for a ride in the work cart.
He brought me to see Mommy & Daddy and some wildlife!

Daddy showed me lots of deer.

And picked some bluebells for Mommy & me.

--Easter Sunday was very special!--
(that will be it's own separte blog...coming soon!)

Uh...Dad...I wanna go THAT way...and see the deer!

After many 'visits' to see this guy,
I finally started to like him and want to pet him.

And I got better at my bookkeeping skills too. Thanks Mimi!

I just 'ate up' golf! What a great sport!

And I loooooove this red cart!

On the last evening before we drove home, I enjoyed the view one last time!

Daddy helped me see things from the window.

Ah ha! I see them. There they are!
Just like on Papa's wall!
Only they MOVE!

Here I am asking 'please' because I want to touch those deer too!
"Please Daddy, can I touch those deer too?"

And as with all good things, hey?
They must come to an end.
Mommy is always sad to say goodbye.
Me too. We all are.
We love love love the valley & our time with Mimi & Papa!

Bye bye dear Valley...we will miss you!
Thanks for the wonderful times and memories.
We love it here. We miss you Mimi & Papa.
We'll be back soon...rumor has it the pass is opening the first week of May!
Love and Hugs,
Mackenzie for the Canada Courthouse <><

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