Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Sweetness of...


Mack is loving having a little sissy.
We are thrilled to have these 2 girls.
Blessed beyond measure.
What a gift and a challenge and a great responsibility.
Lord give us wisdom raising girls (and kiddos) in this crazy world.
Love & Joy,
The Canada Courthouse <><

Monday, February 25, 2008

It's Been a While...

...So Here are a Few of Our Favorites!
Time with Daddy

Time in the snow

First piggy tails

Time to rest

Time with Mommy (pre-Whitney)

Time to play

Time to eat


And getting all clean

Hope you are well.
Mommy promises to get more blogs up soon!
Sorry for the LONG time since our last ones.
We have LOTS of pictures
& the computer is working better again.
Big Hugs--Mackenzie Lee <><

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Beauties

2 Completely Different Stages of Life...
One sleeps, one runs.
One cries, one speaks.
One lays down, one runs.
But both are so sweet!
Whitney Tee--2 weeks old.

Mackenzie Lee--22 months old.

Hope these make you smile.
Love and misses and baby kisses.
The Courthouse of 4, up north of the border <><

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Off to Meet Dr. Hansen

Whitney Meets the Doc
Unfortunately, Whitney was not delivered by our doctor,
as we were diverted to another hospital, due to too many
moms and babes in our hospital where we were supposed to deliver.
So, we went to our already scheduled mat apt on Monday
when she was just 2 days old, to meet Dr. Hansen.

She lost a bit of weight from her birthday,
but has been gaining nicely since then!

Everything checked out alright!

Doc, Daddy & the Two Girls.

We love you Dr. Hansen,
Thank you for taking such good care of us!
The Courthouse <><

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Whitney Comes Home

Big Sissy Welcomes Home Little Sissy!
What a joy and an honor to have these two little gems.
We are truly blessed and truly thankful.
Mackenzie welcomed Baby Whitney with open arms & lots of kisses.
She loves to share her soother and give Whitney her own too.

Taking a break with pal Sophie
(who she stayed with when we were at hospital--Thank you Sumners)
and Daddy for a TimBit snack--thanks Miss Meg!

A new book--a new chapter in all of our lives.

Sharing the LOVE!

Holding Whitney on her own for the first time!

Sweet Sisters!
We are adjusting well to a family of 4.
We are blessed with a "sleeper" and a good eater.
All is well in the Canada Courthouse!
Sorry it's been so long between blogs--computer issues!
I'll be better and I have lots more photos, as you can imagine!
Keep checking in!