Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Weekend

4 Glorious Days with Daddy Home!!!
A wonderful weekend celebrating the Risen Lord!
And Daddy got 2 days off to boot!
Here are some shots from our weekend together.
"home time"

"park time"

"hike time"

more "park time"

"egg dying time"

"Easter dress time"

more "hiking time"

fun "morning time"

some "car time"

and some "beach time" too

and even a little sunshine too!
A blessed Easter weekend with the family.
Love to you all--HE IS RISEN INDEED!!!
The Canada Courthouse <><

Friday, March 28, 2008

Grandma Porter...

...Comes to Town.
When I was about 3 weeks old, Grandma Porter
came to meet me and see my big sis.
She loves us very much.
She did lots of things with us...bouncing,




more bouncing on the big ball,

bathing (my big sis),

and just plain ol' loving on us!
Thank you Gram for getting all of our clothes organized
with Mommy, she really appreciated all your help!
We love you Gram, come back soon!
Whitney for Mack & the Court Fam <><

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Snow Days

January Snow...We Love It!
A winter wonderland of snow.
We had lots this winter,
a nice break from the gray days
of winter that we normally have.
Snow is great for walking in...

Building snowmen that are taller than Daddy!

And making snow angels too.

Oh what fun...the snow!
It's all since melted of course, but it was fun while it was here!
Much love, Mackenzie Lee <><