Sunday, April 01, 2007

Anacortes Reunion

Where am I again?
Oh right, Anacortes, WA.
That's where Uncle Sam and Aunt Debryn live!

And who's this Auntie Phebe? This is Target...he's a bulldog!

And who are you? I'm Kaizen.

Daddy wanted me to get to know Target better.
I was a little afraid at first, but after a while, I started to like him.
BEHIND the gate!

And I think Kai started thinking I wasn't so bad either!

We took a little day trip to Coupeville, WA.
A quaint little seaside town on Whidby Island.

Here we are in Coupeville.

Wow Daddy, it's chillies out here!

Mommy & her dear friends inside the cute little shop.

Auntie Phebe & Auntie Debryn window shopping.

We had a fabulous time with the Websters and Auntie Phebe.
We are excited to meet the newest Webster (due in May)
Little Girl Webster aka Sassafrass Webster!
We'll miss you while you're in Taiwan. Come back safe!
Mackenzie Lee <><

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