Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm What? I'm ONE?!?!

So what you are telling me, is that I am ONE today?'s what I did on my FIRST birthday...

Mommy took me for a swim.
I love the water, though it was a bit chilly.

I played around at home with Mommy.

I "talked on" Mommy's cell phone.

We got bundled up and went for a walk when the sunshine came out.

Oh, and did I tell you...I'm ONE!

I got pretty sleepy, so i took a loooooong nap.

Then daddy brought me home a fun present...
A Balloon!!! Now these are neat!

While I was sleeping, mommy built a "cupcake tower"!

My sweet friend, Sophie, came over to have some!

My Auntie Sam came too!

Sophie's mommy, Miss Meg, her brother, Jared & her daddy, Mr. Brad
all came to celebrate too! We had so much fun!

Mommy & Daddy sure love me.

Oh, and have I mentioned...I'm ONE!!! YEAH!!!

We lit my birthday candle and then everyone blew and blew until it went out.
Thanks for the help friends!

And then there was THE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE (with pink icing)!!!

I wasn't so sure at first, but man, I could get used to this stuff!
Especially smashing it and throwing it on the floor and spreading it all over me!

The messiest I've ever been...should I have a bath?'s time for the gifts!

So we opened cards and gifts together.

Thank you everyone for the gifts you gave & sent to me.

My friend sophie played 'peek' with the bag.
She's so funny.

I talked on the phone lots too on my birthday. Mimi called me at breakfast
& Grandpa Sandberg called at lunch & Grandma Porter called right before bed!

And as they say, "All good things must come to an end."
I am very sad here that I have to go to bed,
but just a few seconds after this photo was taken...I was FAST asleep!

What a great idea to celebrate birthdays! We had so much fun together!
What a day...only 364 days left until I get to celebrate again, right Mom?

Extra Information:
Today, March 8, 2007, I went to get my 12 month shots (yowzers)
I weighed in at a whopping...19 lbs, 6 oz
and I am 28 inches long
I have one and a half teeth in my mouth (on the bottom)
And one of the gummiest smiles around!
I'm a growing girl!

Love and miss you all!
Big and baby hugs from all of us.
Mackenzie Lee for the Courthouse <><

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