Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Have a New Cousin & and "Old" One Too!!!

We'd like to welcome Trek Severan Schinke into the world!
February 14, 2007 around 5am
This is my littlest cousin.
My Auntie Heather & Uncle Ben's son.
8lbs 11oz, 21 in long
Mommy says he's "a hunk a hunk a baby love"!

And just the day before Trek was born,
My oldest cousin on Mommy's side turned 3!!!

She's drawing faces...

...sledding in the snow in Alaska (where she lives)...

...and lovin' on her mommy & daddy
(my Auntie Stephanie & Uncle Brandon)

I love my cousins...all of them.
Big hugs from Canada,
Mackenzie Lee <><

1 comment:

tim|helen|adia|kalanie|rilanna said...

man do you and your sister look alike.....scary!
love the photos.....congratulations "baby kenzie" on another cousin!