Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's Been Too Long

Hey dear blogspot checkers
we are so sorry we've been so long in putting up new pictures
with summer, travel and the move we are finally getting back to 'normal life'
we will have new pictures posted soon, I promise
we tried to post tonight but our pictures cannot be found on the hard drive
we are praying we can find them, or we'll have to move them from the ibook to this computer and then do the blogging which could take a little time
anyway, just an update and a big hello
we love you and hope to hear from you soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Anna and Kerby! I found your blog now that I am on the "blog bandwagon"...look forward to keeping in touch this way:)
Blessings friends:)

Katie and Ryan said...

ahhhh!! Lost pictures....that's aweful!! I hope you find them soon. I love seeing your posts. Talk to you soon.