Friday, October 20, 2006

Family Reunion 2006 in Winthrop

I Met All My Cousins & Aunts & Uncles on the Court-side!
Krue, Eden, Brogan, Me--Mackenzie, Kylan, Demitri & Amelia

We did all kinds of fun things together.
We went on a hike to Rainy Lake.

We danced and kissed and hugged and played.

I got to know my Courtside of the family much better.
They are LOTS of fun!

Reading, tickling, posing for pictures.

Swimming, fishing & hanging out on the beach.

Our Courthouse Family Reunion was so much fun.
We love and miss you lots! Thanks for the memories!
See you soon, we hope!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Precious MacKenzie, grandpa wayne can hardly believe that you have cut your FIRST TOOTH. Let me tell you, dear McKenzie, they hurt when they come in, and they hurt when the come out.
What neat pictures your parents create! I enjoyed looking at them, but mostly I spent a lot of time staring at you! You are getting to be such a big young lady. How nice Uncle Steve could be with you all the way from Taiwan.

I love you, Sweetie. Tell your parents to thank God every day for you.

Love always,
grandpa wayne