Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Early Christmas in Colorado

First Stop...
...Grandpa Sandberg's House, Eaton, CO
Hey Grandpa, we're here!!!

Toys & books with Grandpa.

To the park, Grandpa's an awesome playmate!

Family photo, home from the park.

Dear friends (Kathy, Sue & kiddos) come to play.

Morning brunch at the Eaton Country Club.
Grandpa doing some serious entertaining!

2 Men & 2 Little Girls,
So sweet!

Learning the stairs with Grandpa--she attacked them!

Next Stop...
Grandma Porter's, Louisville, CO.
Grandma, we're here!
Hugs, books & Kato!!!

A fun trip to the park, a MUST with all this sunshine!

More books & snuggles.

Auntie Jean came for a visit too!

She came bearing gifts and a big smile!
We love you Auntie Jean.

Some snuggles with Daddy too.
It was awesome to have him with us
24 hours a day for a few days in a row!

Ahhh, a little picture of Daddy in his heaven!
He loves his girls, and do they ever love him!
Colorado Christmas Trip, Part II is coming soon,
stay tuned...

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