Sunday, February 01, 2009

Colorado Christmas II

Third Stop: Eaton, Co
Back to Grandpa Sandberg's Place

This time, Auntie Heddy, Uncle Ben & Trek were there!
SOOOOOOOO much fun! Fun times at the Eaton Park!!!

Fun with the afgan...a thousand things to do with an afgan.

Fun while we eat.

Fun with Grandma & Grandpa.

"Christmas Eve" & a special visitor.

Random shots from "Christmas morning".

Back to the park for more outdoor fun.

More gifts to open on "Christmas Day Eve"
& a few folks over for dessert!

Our final morning together. Sweet cousins.

It's hard to say goodbye!

The Family Shot--minus the Berta Crew...we missed you!

A quick visit to see Barb & Ami. Sweet time there!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa, Schinkes& all of you
who made our trip to Colorado very special and memorable!
We love you.
The Courthouse in Canada <><

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