Thursday, February 12, 2009

Christmas in Winthrop

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.

And we got just that!
Welcome to the Valley, a Winter Wonderland!

Our first morning in the valley, time to play & hang out with Papa.

And go and cut down a Christmas Tree...IN THE WOODS!!!
(Mommy's first time & Mack's too of course!)

A quiet, snowy forest, finding our Christmas tree.

Here she is! Our very own 'Charlie Brown Tree'!

We love it. Time to decorate and and 'add a few limbs'!

An evening walk & sled ride.

Puzzles on Mimi & Papa's table.

Reading time in Papa's lap.

Getting outside in the SNOW!!!

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An awesome, sunny and snowy day for the Canada Courthouse.

A 'Whitney Outing'.

And a short walk with Uncle Rhys.

Morning play time with Daddy.

Mommy & Papa head out coyote hunting.

My layers & my foot-warmers...I LOVE THESE THINGS!

On the way home.

More play time with Dad--those awesome K'nex!

Hugs & kisses with my Mackenzie in the snow.
I just love you little girl!

Let's bake some cookies & decorate them too!
Mimi, you are so brave!

Christmas to church!

Family shots by the tree after church.

Matching jammies from Mimi & Papa for Christmas Eve.

Stockings hung by the chimney with care.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Christmas Morning 2008.

Whit's first the bib so nicely states.

Let's open some gifts!

Checking out the snow & the little birdie that
ran into the window and ended up in the snow bank...
...don't worry, he was ok!

More time's so nice out here.

Breaking up the 'gift opening'...short attention spans.

The Court "puzzlers" on Christmas Day Eve.

I was so puzzled by it all,
I headed out to get some exercise with Whit
& a pair of snowshoes, so much fun!

We left the next day, as Daddy had practice
on the 27th. It was a wonderful and beautiful
time at Mimi & Papa's house. Thank you both
for an amazing Christmas together.
Bless You--The Canada Courthouse <><

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