Friday, January 16, 2009

Road Trip to Colorado

Some People Thought We Were Crazy... take a 2 and a 1/2 year old and a 11 month old
on a 26 hour road trip...
...but it was GREAT!!!
First stop (not far from home) was in Bellingham, WA
we had to get new tires and an oil change for our big drive!

A wonderful slumber party at the Lind's
6 kiddos and 4 adults, we were outnumbered
and it was FABULOUS!!!

A cute shot of Henry & Mackenzie

Here we go...the drive begins!

A gorgeous sunset on the first night of driving.

A cuddle at the rest area & taking in a sunset with Daddy.

It is almost 3am here, the girls were WIRED!!!
We were at a motel, just outside of the North entrance of
Yellowstone National Park...Dad thought we should take a fun
little detour and mix it up a bit.

The next morning, on our way to the park entrance.
Hoping to see some animals!!!

Yellowstone National Park.

We had amazing weather the whole way, it took us 26 hours in all... get there, the way back, ANOTHER STORY!!!
Stay tuned for that!

The Family Portrait...SNOW!!!

We surely have "tote-able" kiddos.
And we WANT to do it AGAIN!!!
Much Love,
The Canada Courthouse <><

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