Monday, July 09, 2007

Daddy Took Us on a Hike!

Over the River & Through the Woods...
...on a hike we go!

Thanks Dad for the fun day, we loved it!

And now, for more rain...I'm all set!

The soggy Courts this spring.
We are currently enjoying much sunshine and warm weather!

1 comment:

Hans Christian Andersen,aka François said...

Dear Anna and Kerby,

Good blog. Been long time, eh? Lots have happened in my life. God's been absolutely wonderful! I have now graduated from a language institute as a translation and interpretation major, and spent six months in Belgium - a door God opened for me! How about you? Congratulations on your two little girls! May God continue to bless you in ways you can't imagine!

In Christ,

PS: I have a blog too, also blogspot. Write everything in Chinese.