Thursday, February 01, 2007

My First Christmas

My first Christmas Eve
We went to church and drove around and looked at Christmas lights
We got dressed up and Mommy put a bow on my head

My Christmas Morning Nap with Daddy

Merry Christmas Canada Courthouse
Our first with 3 of us!

Merry Christmas Auntie Jean

A White Christmas...I LOVE IT!

Grandpa Sandberg made something for me...

...a SNOWMAN! That is really neat!

Family Photo with Mr. Snowman

And let me introduce you to...Grandpa's Rockin' Santa
He's loud, but he's FUN!

Christmas dinner was, mmm mmmm GOOD!
Thanks Grandma Porter & Auntie Jean
I loved that Jello & those sweet potatoes!

And my Christmas sweater, do you love it?
Mommy does!

Like my Christmas bandana?
It's really one of Grandma's napkins Mommy tied on my head!
I like it alot.

And my Christmas ended with Grandpa reading me a story...
...The Grinch that Stole Christmas!

Many more things happened, but we don't want to bore you with those details.
I did learn about Jesus, and Mommy & Daddy talked about Him alot.
How he came down from Heaven and was born in a manger.
Mary was his mom & Joseph was his earthly dad--God is his REAL dad.
Did i get that right? I think so.
Anyway, we hope you had a Merry and Blessed Christmas wherever you spent it.
We love and miss you!
Mackenzie, for the Canada Courthouse <><

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