Saturday, December 09, 2006

November Nice Ones

Some of the BEST and BRIGHTEST of Nov 2006
Hanging out in the hiking back pack

working on the crawling thing

pruney toes from a long bath with mom

starting early with the basketball

reading a favorite book with Daddy

crawling and crawling and crawling some more

hanging out with my good friend Sophie

eating in my rocking chair

sitting on the Spartan Bench before the Volleyball game

sitting up and reading my big book

and trying my best to be Daddy's alarm clock

pulling myself up, standing and pulling all my books out ot the basket

1 comment:

Jamie Cooke said...

Yeah:0 so cute guys:)...I love checking to see the growth:)Love it love it:)...
Blessings in this new season:)..check out my blog for pics and stuff:)

I will be in Canada Feb 6-24, hope to see you all again:)