Thursday, August 10, 2006

Experiencing Life... my car seat.

 the sunshine.

 my ducky towel.

...on dad's lap.

I'm growing up so quickly mommy says.
Hope you all are doing well.
We miss you. Thanks for visiting my blog!
--Mackenzie Lee <><


Heidi Karlsson said...

bloggarama. so sweet. I'm just beginning the blog lifestyle. anyway. just saw the addy at the bottom of your email and i thought I'd have to give it a look see. once mine's worth looking at, I'll send my digits your way. see how i use words like addy and digits? those are qualifiers. . . as in i qualify to be cool with them words.
haveag'day. oh yes. b-e-a-utiful baby.

Gina said...

Hey Hello!
It's great and so much fun seeing the little girl growing day by day. = )
Blessings & love,


Jenn Chen said...

Hi guys =)
Love your pictures...Can't believe it's been almost two years since I last saw you! I'm ending my summer at ORTV in a week...=( I heard from Rachel that you guys are in Vancouver...that's awesome, 'cause my family is moving to West Van.