Monday, November 03, 2008

Winthrop in October

Our Last Trip Over
the Pass (Hwy 20) Until Spring

A wonderful trip to see Mimi & Papa in the Valley.
The colors were beautiful, the weather crisp & nice.
Friday night Mack went with Daddy & Papa
to the Liberty Bell football game.

My favorite tree--brilliant red!

The next morning we looked at the 'new construction'

And had some fun--outside & in.

Saturday night was bath night & movie night.
We had popcorn and everything!

Saturday afternoon we headed to Sun Mountain for Daddy.
We saw a rainbow and played at the park.

Sunday afternoon, Daddy & Mommy had a golf date!
They had a lot of fun while the rest of us had naps.

Sunday after naps, we read books and played around a bit
before we had to get on the road & say goodbye.

Do we really have to go? they say, all good things must come to an end.
We love you Mimi & Papa
The Canada Courthouse <><

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