Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Leaves

Fall Colors Everywhere
Enjoying them with our girls on Trinity's Campus
It was B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!

Let's go find some leaves!!!

Whit thought they looked good enough to eat.
Mack kept sticking her soother in to help her 'not eat them'.

Praising Jesus for the sunshine & leaves.

Sisterly hugs.


Some of 'the girls' from Daddy's team (and volleyball too)
stopped while we were playing in the leaves...they
really had a great time with Mack! Thanks girls!

When you're down, it's good to know your Big Sissy
has your back and will help you up
(even if it was her who pushed her over in the first place)

Ahhh...the colors.
An absolutely beautiful day.
Absolutely wonderful time.
Loving being a mom & loving the fall too.
Thank you Lord!

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