Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mimi & Papa Come for a Visit

1 Game & 2 Walks
Mimi & Papa came for a visit. Daddy's team had a game.
We went to watch. And then we just got to hang out a bit
with Sweet Mimi & Papa...Enjoy our photos!

The First Walk--Tynehead
We walked and tried catching leaves in our buggy,
our newest form of fun this fall.

Sis got to splash in some puddles
with Mimi in her new rainboots!!!

While Whit was trying on Daddy's hat.

The Second Walk--Houston Trail
A cooler, but beautiful morning walk around the hilly loop.
We did backpacks instead of strollers to help
Papa get in shape for his hunting trip in Idaho.

Above Mack is blowing and seeing her breath.
She thinks that is so neat!
Bring on the cold...Mack is ready to GO SLEDDING!!!
Thanks for your visit Mimi & Papa.
It was wonderful as always, come again sooooooon!!!!
The Canada Courthouse <><

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